Stress Release
Yoga CD
All Business Matters

Yoga CD - a Practical Solution to Stress

Try this practical self help yoga CD by Margaret Davidson

Price: £12.99 including p&p
Order by phone on 01668 281462 or by e-mail
"The Universe waves, wave back.
The earth draws you, draw back.
The World supports you, breathe out."
Margaret Davidson has practiced Yoga with many teachers over 28 years, and has taught and run workshops for 12 years.
Her approach is entirely practical, using a combination of the ground, the body and the breath to enable the practitioner to release long-held tensions stored deeply within.
Her emphasis is on movement rather than posture: by allowing the body to unfold, it finds posture intelligently.
There is no imposition whatsoever. All that is required is our willingness and attention to allow our innate wisdom to surface.
"After suffering a near fatal heart attack, regular listening to Wave Back has helped to cope with the stress in my life and adopt a more positive attitude"
Mr. Thomas Barker, Middlesex
This cd is suitable for anyone over age 18.
All Business Matters
Tel: 01668 281462
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